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January CEU: Termination & Issues With Former Clients

Termination of the counseling relationship is as important as its beginning. Challenges in ending the relationship will be examined. What is “abandonment” and dealing with threats of complaint to Board regarding termination.

Boundaries with former clients are the topic of some rules and at least one law in Minnesota, and yet research and standards are sparse and unclear. Delivering services in accord with professional ethics requires analysis, not simply determining that something is ethical vs. non-ethical. The advent of telehealth has blurred some traditional boundaries, and social media, texting, and the internet have brought far more ways in which a counselor may encounter a former client.

In rural and small-town settings multiple relationships are the rule, not the exception. The same is true of ethnic communities, religious groups, etc. We will examine risks and decision-making regarding the former client. We will also discuss the potential value in communication with former clients. The presentation will involve ongoing questions from participants during the program.

When: Thursday, January 18, 2024, 6:00 PM until 7:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-06:00)

Link to event:

Event Contact(s): Hannah Daniels

Category: CEU Events

Registration is required

Active members

No Fee

Learning objectives: After this presentation participants should be able to:


Discuss practice dilemmas in termination of care (e.g. client disagreement; demand for continued service; threats of “abandonment”)


Identify relevant licensure-related and criminal statutes regarding relationships with former counseling clients;


Be able to identify decision-making concerning contacts with former clients


Gary is a clinical psychologist, and has been an LP in Minnesota since 1974. He is director of the Inst. for Consultation & Training of the Walk-In Counseling Center in Mpls. He served as Exec. Director of the Center from 1973 – 2010. He speaks and consults internationally on topics of professional ethics, supervision, & other topics. For more than 40 years he has also been a forensic psychologist, testifying in the US and Canada in criminal & civil matters.

Two women sitting next to one another in a counseling session with their hands in their lap.

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